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Image: © Fran Forman

ReSound in the Convent 2020: Baroque nuns again!

Both the April 4 and 5th concerts have been cancelled. We hope to reschedule. 

ReSound in the Convent 2020 is our reprise of moving constellations of singers surrounding you with lush harmonies and soaring melodies.

With the brilliant accompaniment of Catherine Liddell on theorbo and baroque guitar, together with and a string trio, we revisit the unique and stunning repertoire by northern Italian nuns in the early baroque period. Women whose names you may remember from our earliest seasons, like Isabella Leonarda, Raffaella Aleotti, Sulpitia Cesis, and Chiara Margarita Cozzolani will be well represented, as well as our dear friend Anonymous. We'll also reprise two pieces written for this program in 2019, one by Patricia Van Ness and the other by Suzanne Sheppard, and add a new one by MIT's fabulous Elena Ruehr. And of course the standard bearer of women composers, and our fabulous singers will do what they do best which is surround YOU with extraordinary polyphony. 

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With special guests Daniel Stepner and Laura Papandrea, violins, Laura Jeppesen, gamba and Catherine Liddell, theorbo.

CANCELLED: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 4 Eliot Church, 474 Centre Street, Newton 02458

CANCELLED: 5 p.m. Sunday, April 5 First Parish in Cambridge 1446 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138

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